Officially, it is Fall; and today in Chicago, we are getting rain as the cool air moves in. Pour yourself a cup of coffee or …
For Your Health

A Little Bit About Gardening
Officially, it is Fall; and today in Chicago, we are getting rain as the cool air moves in. Pour yourself a cup of coffee or …
Fall check list: Plant garlic Plant Spring flowering bulbs Divide peonies and bleeding hearts Divide perennials that are getting too big for their space or …
When it comes to September, I look forward to Goldenrod and White Aster. They create this beautiful cascade of yellow and white. Most people associate …
When I think Ladybug, I think red or maybe orange. I also know ladybugs are beneficial in the garden, feasting on aphids. I was pretty …
Today, Chicago is getting a blast of sleet, snow, and gusts of 50mph winds. All on Halloween, and all to remind us of the coming …
Fall is the time of year when things wind down, the days get shorter, and we all start to feel a bit more cozy. The …
This is my first heirloom Moonflower! I planted these seeds late in the season, mid-summer (the instructions were to sow as soon as the ground …
It’s autumn, and it’s getting cold. Plants are changing…some dying…some turning beautiful colors and dropping. Asters and mums are at their peak. What do you …
As you sit in the garden, especially this time of year, things tend to look overgrown or dead. It’s harvest, but looking deeper, the small …
As the days run a constant 70 and the nights hit the 50s, the reality of Autumn sets in. Luckily, there are still a few …