Just as the moon pulls on our oceans, it also effects our soil. Some may consider phases of the moon and gardening to be folklore, …
Cardinal Climber or Cypress Vine
This little vine, Ipomoea quamoclit, is related to morning glory. In our zone 5 Chicago garden, it has reseeded itself from last year, and I …
Planting Spring Bulbs
I just got my daffodils, crocus, allium, and imperial crown lilies in the mail; and with tempertures in the 70s, today’s the day to plant. …
Weekend Project: A Place for the Fire Pit!
This weekend, we made a formal spot for our fire pit. Here is what our plan was an what we should have done to keep …
Collecting Seeds
Fall temperatures and the flowers are producing seeds! Collect some and let some fall for the birds to munch on. Just remember a few things …
Happy First Day of Autumn!
Happy seed collecting time!
Keeping a Garden Journal
With Autumn blowing in it’s cooler temperatures, it’s a great time to jot down some notes from this year’s garden. Things to note: Where you …
A Little September Garden Care
We’ve got a taste now of the cooler weather, nights in the 50s and 60s, days in the 70s. Now it’s time to give your …