It’s quick, it’s fun, and it’s easy! what you need: jars, containers, hanging globes pebble moss soil small plants (either succulents, cactus, ferns, african violets, …
Cold Tolerant Annuals
Most of us are ready for some flowers. Here’s a list of cold tolerant annuals that might not love the summer heat but will brighten …
Meaning of Flowers
Throughout time we have added significance to flowers and plants, designating them as signs of love, purity, remembrance, and friendship. Here are some meanings and …
Springtime Beauty
It was gorgeous this weekend. I bought some cool loving annuals, pansy and ranunculus, to brighten up the corners as the siberian squills and crocus …
Companion Plantings
When planning your vegetable garden this year, consider companion planting. Certain plants grown together can be beneficial in pest control and provide greater yield. Here …
Wendy Davenport Whatley, Things of this Nature
Wendy’s fanciful paintings are inspired from nature and probably a few fantasy novels. Small and delicate, her paintings are little gardens in inch form. Take …
Crocus and First Bees!
I regularly work on Jim’s wonderful garden in Lakeview here in Chicago. Today I saw my first bees of the season. I look forward to …
Weekend Work
This weekend, Pete and I extended our raised beds a little. Have a look! We moved mulch and planters around a bit. Placed broken down …
Two Flower Seeds to Sow Outside Now
Chamomile, known for its soothing properties as a tea, is easy to grow. Seeds benefit from exposure to cold weather. Lightly press seeds into the …
Visiting Billy and Katie
Billy and Katie are inspiring and aspiring urban farmers. Recently the two have been given the opportunity to revitalize a plot next to their home …