This weekend, Pete and I extended our raised beds a little. Have a look!
- We moved mulch and planters around a bit.
- Placed broken down cardboard boxes (minus any tape or plastic) to act as a weed barrier.
- Laid out new plan, bricks and planters.
- Watered the cardboard, and added compost, then soil, then compost, then soil, etc.
- Planted carrots, chard, and kale (all crops that benefit from the cool weather).
- Watered the beds and covered any that I hadn’t seeded with newspaper to keep the weed seeds from blowing in.
- Now to wait for the last frost date (April 24th-ish, the chart in the link is helpful, if you live in Chicagoland, to determine the round about time in your part of the city) and warm weather to plant more.