The first snow has fallen, and it’s time to fill the bird feeder for our feathered (and fluffy tailed squirrel) friends. Most people aren’t fans of sparrows, but here in the city, I don’t get much variety. Occasionally, I will have a few juncos and a cardinal couple stop by. Last Spring, I even had a red winged blackbird visit my feeder, which was a pleasant surprise. I envy those outside the city that get the chickadee and the blue jay. I know there are birds around. In Summer, I spy gold finches, robins, house finches, and hummingbirds. In Winter, I just need a hobby and something to look out the back window at.

I do a mix of sunflower seed and a wild bird mix. The squirrels come and empty the feeder for the best goodies, raisins, sunflower seeds, and peanuts. In a way, I don’t mind, they scatter the seed so that the juncos, who are ground feeders, can peck and feed. The biggest problem is the volunteer plants in the garden. This year I bought a tray that catches the fallen seed. As you can see in the picture, it seems more like a feeding hammock for the squirrels. It was something to try. Here’s to hoping for a few more interesting visitors this winter season. Happy birding!