Eating from the Garden


After being away on a road trip through West Virgina, up to New York, and back through Pennsylvania, I forgot how amazing eating from the garden is!  The week I was away, the strawberries fruited and the greens shot up!

A great combo for breakfast:  Chard/Dill/Parsley omelet and fresh Strawberries!

The strawberries are really coming in fast and furious, our pug has taken notice.  This time of year we call him “The Great Strawberry Hunter!”strawberryhunterThe strawberries I grow, they don’t keep well, and should be eaten right after picking.  One thing I will try today is a Mint Strawberry Limeade!

(all ingredient amounts can be changed to one’s liking)

  • 1 cup sugar
  • 8 cups water
  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 7 limes
  • 10 leaves of mint
  1. In a saucepan, dissolve 1 cup sugar in 1 cup water over medium heat to make a simple sugar (if you like your limeade “not too sweet”, the extra simple sugar is great to keep for sweetening ice coffee).
  2. Let simple sugar cool.
  3. Juice limes and mash into strawberries.
  4. Bruise mint leaves in lime/strawberry mixture.
  5. Mix in water, simple sugar, and fruit/mint mix (to your liking) in a pitcher.  This step requires tasting!
  6. Cool about an hour or so to let the flavors mingle.
  7. Remove bruised mint leaves (or not).
  8. Enjoy!


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