new feeder

The past time of feeding the birds, I love it.  My feathered friends start squawking and talking in the tree next door when I’m out refilling their seed.  They know breakfast time for sure.  About a month ago, I wanted to add an additional feeder, since I was going to be out of town in early Feb.   To my surprise, it took them about a week to get used to the new food source.  The first day or two, they wouldn’t even venture near the new feeder.  Gradually, they got it.  Now, the new feeder (that holds suet and seed) is a hit!  Hurrah!

My advice for adding a new feeder:

  • Put the new one near the old
  • Give the birds some time
Birds ignoring the new feeder.  A few curious ones, took a look, but it took a few days.
Birds ignoring the new feeder. A few curious ones, took a look, but it took a few days.

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