We’ve had an extremely long growing season this year. I had plants trying to come up in February? In Chicago? Yes! I recently stopped in at one of my favorite garden centers, Gethsemane, in Andersonville, and while chatting with a worker there, realized that yes, it is reload season. Annuals may be a little leggy or gone! The perennials are way past their prime, and most of us are harvesting our vegetables rather than looking at the beautiful flowers.
Luckily I planted cosmos and cleome to fill in some areas, but have been thankful for the fall flowers coming in. Mums! The symbol of fall in the garden. Perfect to stick in bare spots. Pots at most places range from small to large, so they’ll fit most anywhere. If you’re lucky, they’ll come back next year. I’ve got three this year from last year’s garden. Here’s a little look at the rest of the garden this Aug!