Evergreens provide interest in the coldest time of the year. Birds find shelter from the bitter winter. Used for privacy and noise reduction, evergreens are …
Gardening Hints
Don’t Bag Your Laves
Use your leaves in the garden. Fallen leaves are rich in organic matter According to Texas A&M University, “they contain 50 to 80 percent of …
After the Frost
It is pretty official now, the garden is down for the winter. Perhaps the kale and chard will last a bit longer, as well as …
Seed Packets
After clearing out much of my garden this weekend, I decided to get creative with the seed packet making.I had some old construction paper and …
Cute Seed Packets
I always use random pieces of paper to keep my collected seeds, but Heavy Petal, a Vancouver garden site (lucky them in zone 8), …
Growing Grains
This year was my first to grow potatoes, and I started thinking about grains. Is it possible to grow grains in your own city yard? …
Dividing Peonies
Fall is the best time to divide peonies. Sept/Oct actually, but I got to these this past week. It should be plenty of time for …
Happy Halloween!
This is the forest pumpkin and below is the kitty pumpkin. Both are from a farm stand in Wisconsin. I saved a few seeds to …
Mums are a fall classic, little puff balls of color, but they don’t necessarily need to be purchased every year. To keep them around year …
Parasitic Wasp Kills a Cutworm
Looks like we had a pest and a parasitic wasp laid eggs on him and killed him. Ahhhh nature, kinda gross.