springcrcous2Spring has sprung in my garden.  The crocus are blooming, there is a tinge of green in the rose bush stems, strawberries are trying to leaf, and spring bulbs are showing some height.  Soon the daffodils will bloom, and Winter will be behind us.  There could still be the cold night, the snow, and spitting sleet/rain, but all in all, we are on the road to Spring!

springcrcous3Enjoy the warmer days and take stock in what is going on in your garden.  I’m learning that certain spots in my garden are just not as fertile as others.  Take the opportunity now, to add amendments to the soil.  I dug (around bulbs) a square foot area and added compost.  I also added some Red Clover seed to a bed that always has a little trouble.  Let’s hope this helps it out this year.

Get a little dirty, weed and thin out perennials.  Weed seeds often are the first to show up, take a few minutes to remove them before they take precious space in your garden.  Dividing perennials now can make for healthier plants.

sproutsWhile starting seeds indoors, you can begin to imagine your Summer garden.  Make sure you plan to rotate crops to a different spot than they were in last year, especially night shades like tomato, pepper, and eggplant.

springsetupRe mulch and weed pathways.  A little Spring cleaning in the garden will get you smiling in no time!springcrocus

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