Happy New Year!

catalog pictureIt’s a new year, a new garden to plan!  I’ve been getting seed catalogs and spending many hours drooling over the images.  I’m really looking forward to try some new veggies and vibrant flowers. Over the next few weeks, I’ll share with you my ideas!

In progression with the growing season, I’d like a new radish.  I’ve been growing French Breakfast, which are fantastic, but it’s time for a change.  I’m thinking of a traditional bright red variety, cherry belle (Although I am drawn to the exotic looking watermelon mantonghong, with it’s pink inside and white exterior, it seems that the growing days (50-60) are a bit long for my garden.  I try to plant a warm crop after the radishes are harvested.).  Most likely, I’ll plant more French Breakfast along with a traditional cherry belle.

I’ve always grown green or spotted lettuce.  This year, I’d like to try the heirloom variety, Butterhead Marvel of Four Seasons.  An added bonus, Marvel supposedly won’t turn bitter when it gets warm and the plant begins to bolt.

As for early spring flowers, a mix of viola seeds in differing colors sounds delightful.  When I was young, I loved looking at “monkey faces.”  Botanical Interests offers a variety pack of colorful alternatives to purple and white.  To get a spring bloom, I may need to start some indoors.

More to share soon!


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