purplecrocusIt’s here, I know it.  The crocus are blooming, we’re seeing insects, and the temperatures are finally cooperating!  It’s time to make the garden Spring Clean up list.  Don’t try to do everything at once.  Take your time  and enjoy the sun!



Spring Clean Up To Do:

  • Pick up trash and rearrange any hard scape (bricks, birdbath, rocks,etc)  that got pushed around in winter.
  • Cut back perennials and ornamental grasses.
  • Turn compost and add a little to your beds.
  • Rake up any spots of dead grass and add seed (you’ll have to keep a good watering schedule once you seed your lawn).
  • Wait on mulching, let the soil heat up some, then mulch.
  • Start clippings from house plants like spider plant or Swedish ivy as an inexpensive way to fill in shady spots in the garden.
Coleus sprouting roots in water.
Coleus sprouting roots in water.

Just this little bit of work will get you in the mood for Spring.

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