Moving to the Tropics

This year is about to be very different for me gardening wise, as well as life style wise.  Pete, Yarrow (our 70lb hound mix), and I are moving to Puerto Rico.  I purchased a SUPER “Fixer Upper” on the edge of El  Yunque rain forest in the municipality of Naguabo.  Getting ready for the move and our very long winter here in the Midwest has really taken me away from starting seeds and my normal rigamarole.  Today, in late April, is the first time I have had a moment to start researching what I want and can grow at the edge of El Yunque with the rainy season approaching. 

The property already has two avocado trees, a mango, and a grapefruit.  I hope to get pineapple and banana started too. 

In my first step of research, I have found that basil is a great herb for humid and hot weather.  Great! I love pesto, and basil is so versatile.  I am excited to get some seeds started once I arrive on the island  (thai, lemon,  purple, as well as Genovese).  Seedsavers has a new Greek variety this year, Isle of Naxos, that I will likely try too.

As with any garden, this will be a learning process.  I will get to know the land and the micro climates.  Rebuilding the house will be a challenge in itself, but I am going to start a garden on the east side of the building where it gets full, morning sun.  It will be amazing even to see one thing survive.  When you uproot your life,  having something, even just one thing, grow can be inspiring!  Wish me luck!

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