- Ask yourself if you will tend a garden plot. Will I have time to water and weed?
- Start small. It’s best to start out with a few pots or maybe one bed.
- Starting with these vegetables from seed can be very rewarding: carrots, lettuce, kale, cucumbers, beans, squash.
- Take a long look at the light you have coming in.
- Is the sun shining 6-8 hours of the day? That’s full sun.
- Is it 4-6 hours? Part sun.
- Less than 4 hours? Shade.
Don’t be afraid to mix edibles with non edible flowers. Many flowering plants brighten up a garden and invite beneficial bugs. Line your bed with sweet alysum. Put a row sunflowers or zinnia in the back of a bed as to not block any light. Intermix marigold or nasturiums between plants. Any space large or small, when well attended (meaning daily during germination) can be fruitful and beautiful.