You’ll need a blender for this one, but beyond that, the cooking skills are minimal. ingredients bowl of garden tomatoes (if they’re cherry or pear)/two …
Prepare your Garden to Be Loved by Someone Else
We all go out of town during the summer months, and with the summer coming to a close, we’ll all try to get out one …
Vines of Squash
Gardening is always full of surprises. When I moved into a new house and yard, I was desperate for compost to help the soil; …
Rice Fields of Art
Rice Paddy Art! I came across this at It takes a village of work and several different kinds of rice, but the outcome is …
Chard Pizza
Best idea for chard as of late: Chard, Potato, Garlic, Rosemary PiZzA! I used the recipe for the crust from with a few adjustments, …
Help! I’m being eaten alive!
Mosquitoes are bad this time of year, and with all the rain, they’re fierce. What attracts them to me and you? Here are some interesting …
Blooms! Mostly in a Pink Hue
Gardens are about….
A look back on the garden and its role in life throughout a 4,000 year history brings us through the first Egyptian landscapes (hinted at …
Garden Collage
Collage of these plants! strawberry pepper marigold zucchini tomato snapdragon zinnia basil chamomile carrot watermelon
Orange Cosmos
This little flower has been a favorite since I started gardening. So easy to grow and so enjoyable. It gives off such an airy, light …