Looks like we had a pest and a parasitic wasp laid eggs on him and killed him. Ahhhh nature, kinda gross.
Let the Birds Forage
The first frost hasn’t come yet, and with today’s temperature in the 60s, the garden is still blooming and producing. Instead of deadheading this last …
Changing Leaves In the Gallery
Garfield Park Plant Rescue Sale
Plant Rescue Sale! Saturday, October 22, 2011 Hours: 9 am – 2 pm (or until all plants are sold) Where: Garfield Market Place (just north …
Vegetarian Slow Cooking
With the cold and wind here to visit for a while, I’ve been enjoying the crock pot for my cooking. The Vegetarian Slow Cooker by …
Drying Herbs
Drying herbs is easy! Tender Herbs Pick tender herbs like basil, oregano, mint, and lemon balm with a gentle hand as to not bruise the …
List of To-Dos Before the First Frost
It seems the cold is on its way to Chicago with a pretty low temperature Thursday night of about 36 degrees. Cut a nice bouquet …
Full Moon and Gardening
Just as the moon pulls on our oceans, it also effects our soil. Some may consider phases of the moon and gardening to be folklore, …
Cardinal Climber or Cypress Vine
This little vine, Ipomoea quamoclit, is related to morning glory. In our zone 5 Chicago garden, it has reseeded itself from last year, and I …