Containers Water daily, especially if in the sun. Larger containers will hold water longer than smaller ones. I good test is to stick your finger …
Penny Black, Nemophila
Through winter, while continuously gazing at seed catalogs, I ran across Penny Black, Nemophila. Excited for something new, and knowing how intriguing a dark and …
Vertical Interest
It’s easy to keep your head down when in a garden, especially while weeding and planting, but remember someone coming to visit your little paradise …
Drought Tolerant Perennials
Make your garden as easy as possible to maintain and help save some water by looking into drought tolerant plants for your zone. Many of …
Lots of new color this week!
Is it Growing?
Often this time of the garden season, I get a little worried when I visit garden centers and see everything in full bloom. I have …
Columbine, Aquilegia
An easy plant to keep in your garden, especially if you like randomness. It gladly reseeds and cross pollinates. Who knows what next year’s blend …
Mushrooms in the Garden
When people see mushrooms in the garden, they worry. No need. Mushrooms are very beneficial in breaking down mulch or added compost so that it’s …
Garden About to Emerge
Everything this week went from late spring to the beginning of summer buds….this next week should be exciting, but until then……
Harvesting Lettuce
It’s time and there are three ways to harvest your greens: Take leaves off the outside edge Remove the entire plant and break off the …