Volunteers Needed for Workday
The Thomas Street Garden, located at 2655 W Thomas Street in Humboldt Park, will be having two work days coming up soon, on April 23 and May 14. Both work days will start at 9 a.m. and run until some time past noon. We will have plenty of hardscaping projects to tackle, including the assembly of a new compost bin, as well as spring clean-up, perennial dividing, and other garden chores. Master Gardeners are especially needed on May 14 to help supervise the dozen or so AmeriCorps volunteers who will be holding a work day in our garden. Bring gloves if you have them, and RSVP to Rob Kartholl at rkartholl@gmail.com or 773/573.3157 so that we can adequately plan for the workday. Thanks!
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