It’s time! Get your pruning shears and let go!
- shrubs- *NOTE- only prune summer flowering trees and shrubs now, wait to prune spring blooming ones til after they’ve flowered* use hand tools and start with stray limbs, diagonals, and anything that looks like it lost to freeze.
- roses- cut back blackened canes to one inch below the discoloring. Keep green young canes
- flowering perennials- cut to 4-5 inches above the soil
- hostas and day lilies- divide so that there are three stems in each division
- ornamental grasses- cut to 2-3 inches above the soil
- compost any fallen leaves and old annuals *NOTE- if there was any disease on these annuals, please discard them rather than compost them*
- beds-add weed, compost, and mulch. Getting weeds now will only help in the battle.
- lawn- prep by aerating and weeding