Today, a lovely 45 degrees, brought me outdoors to cleanup for spring. I had been thinking of expanding a bed into the yard for quite …
Spring is on the Way!
Today a few stray flakes of snow are falling, but while picking up a little in preparation for spring, I spotted these guys! YAY!
Watching the Sun
As the snow thaws and the days become longer, I know I get eager to dig. Wait and visualize. Getting your hands dirty when the …
The Fear of Squirrels and Rabbits
We plant beautiful tulips and vegetables that often times end up dinner to our fellow squirrels and bunnies. Excerpt from Michael Pollan’s Second Nature In …
Some Winter Scenes
Just a few pictures of the pleasure of having a bird feeder in your yard through the winter months. It keeps the cat and me …
Get that Trash
It’s been warm the last few days in Chicago. The 2011 Blizzard Snow is melting revealing dog poop and trash that was covered with it’s …
Donate to the Kilbourn Park Organic Greenhouse
Time to give your unwanted garden tools new life. These donated items will be priced for sale at the Kilbourn Park Gardening Exchange. Come by …
Happy Valentine’s Day
What a perfect day to buy your loved one a plant. Maybe an herb (add love to your meals) or something that can be transplanted …
Weeping Pussy Willow (Salix Caprea Pendula)
Salix caprea ‘pendula’ – Silvery-pinkish catkins, weeping form, dwarf zone 4-9 height 5-6 feet Perfect for a city yard, and a true sign of Spring. …
Welcome to a Wild Winter Garden!
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; …