Let’s talk a bit about the sun. It is a factor that we use to decide what plants can grow where. Plants are labeled full …
The Element of the Sun

A Little Bit About Gardening
Let’s talk a bit about the sun. It is a factor that we use to decide what plants can grow where. Plants are labeled full …
Winter is probably a lot of gardeners least favorite time of the year. It’s dark. It’s grey. It’s cold. After the holidays, the longest time …
Remarkable things about leaves. They are: –free– –natural– –beneficial– Falling leaves mark the end of Autumn and the beginning of Winter. We may see this …
“You are beautiful!” We see that so many places, stickers on walls, buildings, posts, signs, etc. It is plastered many places, but you can’t plaster …
I forgot how much I love Johnny Jump Ups and Violas. I started two seed packets of them this winter to interplant with my leaf …
We have relocated to Illinois. We are about 40 miles northwest of Chicago in a village called Barrington Hills, horse country. There is a lot …
I have the pleasure of knowing Angie Mead through the music world of Chicago. Luckily, this lady is also into plants!!! She has a garden …
With our lockdowns comes a bit of anxiety and the unknown. Some people go to extremes with their fear and start to hoard household items …
We have really been just torturing ourselves with the house. So the garden blogging as been left a bit to the wayside. When everything gets …
This year, I really feel the flowers were powerful. Here are just a few blooms that seemed to make my heart skip a beat. The …